Kola Peninsula illustrated description / Seidjavr lake |
The view to the valley of Seidjavr lake and Seidpahk mountain from the north-east side of Suleypahk mountain. Photo by Burov-Staskov A.Y.. August 2001 |
Seidjavr - lake. Is situated 14 kilometres to the north from 103 kilometre of Kola - Serebryanskaya hydro power highway, under the south face of Seidpahk mountain. Flow to the Serebryanskoe reservoir Serebryanskaya hydro power II from the left riverside. In Saami Seidjavr means Sacred-stone-lake.
Seidjavr lake on 1 : 200 000 map
Seidjavr lake on 1 : 100 000 map
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