Veiw to the south from the top of Koozkaynt mountain. Photo by Burov-Staskov A.Y.. July 2004

Veiw to the south from the top of Koozkaynt mountain. Photo by Burov-Staskov A.Y.. July 2004

Veiw to the east from the side of Koozkaynt mountain. Photo by Burov-Staskov A.Y.. July 2004

Veiw to the east from the side of Koozkaynt mountain. Photo by Burov-Staskov A.Y.. July 2004

About Kuzkeynt mountain in Russian

Koozkaynt - mountain. Koozkaynt mountain lies on the watershed of Kharlovka and Voronya rivers. Its altitude is 313,3 metres. Procumbent spruce is found on the Kuzkeynt sides. The "reindeer fence" and the rut cross the Koozkeynt top from the west to the east. The source of Veymyok river is situated to the north from the Koozkeynt mountain. безопасный дымоход для бани.



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